Sunday, May 8, 2011

Breaking the Silence Series Part 2- How a man should be

      For those that don't mind reading my blogs... i know that you are probably thinking, "Wow, she stepping out there" ... but my recent theme says, I want you to see what I see... That being said... here goes:

      First impressions mean everything to me as it should to anyone.  That is one thing that has never changed about me. How a guy greets, what he says out of his mouth, his body language... that's a strong key thing that he should possess.  I used to giggle to the "how you doing sweetheart... can I talk to you for a minute?"(with the up and down of checking me out)... as I aged, I used to dislike it and was terribly mean as I have been told by many guys and witnesses of that familiar "scene"...but NOW after salvation, I can honestly say there has been improvement...I decline the best I can... That being said, a guy should at least say excuse me, leave the "pet names" alone, and give eye contact that feeds off CONFIDENCE. That will give him a foot in the door just to converse. 

        First impressions are key but not big enough for me to consider.  Salvation is top priority! That's all bible! "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14KJV... How would that work??? Why would I even want to PUT UP with all of that?? It wouldn't work and I wouldn't/wont tolerate that. Matthew Henry States:
"The fatal effects of neglecting Scripture precepts as to marriages clearly appear. Instead of a help meet, the union brings a snare. Those whose cross it is to be unequally united, without their wilful fault, may expect consolation under it; but when believers enter into such unions, against the express warnings of God's word, they must expect must distress."

       This is basically backing up my beliefs. There will be a negative outcome for being in that type of relationship. That doesn't just apply to salvation but just being on one accord. I.E. If I believe that a woman shouldn't be a deacon and speaking in tongues is unrealistic and the other guy believes otherwise then there is a BIG problem! I won't take the guy seriously. I wouldn't trust him. As women we think in future tense easier than men so with that being said, If I was to get married to that man, do you really think I would want my children under his care??? Absolutely not. There will not be a change on my part with that. I can't follow a man that I can't trust to be the PROPER leader...

     Now moving on, He MUST be involved in some type of form when it comes to being in a ministry. I believe being involved in the church is necessary. To the point of being on the clean up crew to soul winning to being on the youth committee or in the choir... just do SOMETHING and do it not to go w/ the motions. If the Lord see me fit to have a husband that is affiliated with the law enforcement, then in some type of way, he can contribute to SOMETHING...

     I'm not done but I'm quitting by saying this last thing...he shouldn't be an all around flirt. He has to have consistency. It should flow with him that naturally he is into me so why would he flirt somewhere else? There is nothing wrong with being flattered when given a compliment but still... there are LIMITS! Wishy washiness isn't appealing!

     I guess as I aged, certain things have become less tolerable for me. Like i said, this info. are brushing the surface! The other things on my list aren't mentioned because It will be too much to read and because if it just so happen that a guy was to read this, I will want him to figure out the other things on his own...your taste in men can and most likely are different from mind which is fine! I'm just displaying MY perspective of things....... You know...what I see...

Sweet dreams, 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Now See What I See: Breaking the Silence Series: Part 1- Work envirome...

Now See What I See: Breaking the Silence Series: Part 1- Work envirome...: "It has been a very long time since I have expressed myself via Blog. So much has happened! My seizures have improved...or shall I say, I hav..."

Breaking the Silence Series: Part 1- Work enviroment

It has been a very long time since I have expressed myself via Blog. So much has happened! My seizures have improved...or shall I say, I have been more disciplined on taking my medication no matter the circumstances. I have made some new friendships, I went to ARKANSAS, I have a better position even thru my circumstances, school is... well awful lol, my walk with God will never be where I want it to be...... but I am STRIVING to improve.

I am making a new series since I have so much to say... so as the title presents, this one is based on my job and what I have learned...

1.) Always take what you learned from your last job or position and use it in a positive way.
My last position had a very quiet environment, surrounded by adults that ranged in their late 30s-possibly 60's. It def. taught me how to mellow out and helped me to make sure I differentiate the work place separate to my personal life the best I can.  I learned the office techniques and brought my qualities to my new office. Now my new office, as a Customer Service Representative under the Student Ambassador program representing the Going the Extra Mile program, is up and coming. We are basically starting everything from scratch. I take my organization skills and phone etiquette into "play".

2.) Every Supervisor is different. My last boss was more "chill" and my current boss is "chill" in her own way. I am given more responsibilities in my new position and sometimes my job is more demanding. Their techniques going about the daily work day is ying and yang. My current boss is more flexible which is an adjustment because Im used to more order...

3.)Team work comes in different forms. I have been reminded to achieve great team work since i have way more coworkers. Communication is even more a bigger deal with what I am involved with. One moment of lack of communication leads us to a mess of confusion and frustration.

I wont ramble on and on b/c i feel you have the point. God prepared me for this position and now I understand why they say God doesn't give us more than we can handle. AMEN! :) ... i doubt that I would be able to consume all the responsibilities that I am undergoing now than In the past... even 6mths ago...I am still bracing myself on the events to come and having a guard up daily on bearing a positive or shakey day. Pray for me yall... that I will grow in humbleness because it's easy to get "big headed" on the job if you aren't careful with what I have experienced. Good night...

{I should expect advancement on my resume')