Monday, January 3, 2011

So much to say with so little time...

Ladies and Gents, Let me first start by saying, HAPPY NEW YEARS! This is my first blog of 2011! Now seriously, I apologize for the abandonment of my series.  Due to technical difficulties and other distractions I unfortunately didn't meet my deadline as planned.  Might I add that it has been a total of 16 days since my last blog... just so unacceptable. So much has happened ofcourse in that time span and I can't really write (type) a whole novel lol because well I will bore you lol.  So let me TRY to catch you up to speed and so many words...

As my Vera Wang candle is burning and my Indiana Bible College songs are playing... I sit in my room thinking...pondering...wondering...of all that has happened in my 2 weeks (and some change lol).  Big decisions were made that GOD has definitely prepared me for because I wouldn't have been ready if it happened to me last year... and yet in this same token I gained a stronger friendship.  I asked God to readjust my life so it will be easier for me to focus on lets just say that HE definitely did! lol... and it's working. :)

On New Years eve, I had a "sister day" with ONE of my siblings...Devyn.  The one that everyone says has the "old attitude" that I used to have... she is now 12.  I had a great time with her...I was reminded that even tho My other sister and her are not even a full year apart...they are very different and I can't treat them the same.  In this case, Devyn is more laid back and not as perky as my sister Dominique and the old me at her age first it was hard for me to read her to see if she was even having fun! lol... I kept having to ask her if she was...smh...TEENAGERS! lol...smh...but eventually she started laughing more and such so I had my "confirmation" that she was telling the truth.  I have technically 12 siblings... so ofcourse the younger generation want their individual attn. from me... a one on one day hanging with Big Sis! lol...Next up in line, Jordan. My baby sis on my dad's side.  She is 10 and ofcourse already made me promise to have a sister day with her this summer.  Devyn and Jordan live in Arizona...

Someone I knew past away on New Years day, and tonight we had a candle lighting for him.  A good friend of mine, Marcus Bowie, spoke during the gathering.  Twenty People got saved that night... there had to be at least 30 in attendance.  GOD IS GREAT! I cried more because the souls got saved lol...Next step is to have them come out and visit our church!  I can't wait til he gets his car...Good things are to come... Mark my words.

This blog isn't as "deep" as my past blogs are, there is so much to say with so little time to say it all... in depth that is.


Proverbs 11:30 "The fruit of the righteous is the tree of life; and he that winneth souls are wise." (my memory verse of the week)  What's yours?

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