Monday, January 3, 2011

Witnessing can be frustrating sometimes

That's right!  I am doing a double Whammy today!  Two blogs in One night! Lol...

The Lord has convicted me on my lack of witnessing to the unsaved.  As a christian, that is HIGHLY unacceptable!  My efforts should be better!  I know better!  "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth is not, to him it is sin." James 4:17.  That being said, I had an interesting lunch break.  I had the opportunity to witness to a gentleman.  I never caught his name now that I think about it.  I just remember that he appeared African American and tall.  During my break, I read my bible... as I was reading my bible I felt someone staring at me.  Any person can tell you that when you feel someones eyes on you, that you naturally look that direction, RIGHT?? ... so I did.  Eventually, this gentleman mustered the courage to speak to me.  "Did you go to the convention?" He asks.  I replied, "No... I work here."  "O" he says.  I go back to my reading... then eventually I just started feeling awkward because he just wouldn't stop staring at me! lol... The once again... he gain the courage to say, "I'm a Christian too."  Now at first I must admit, My reaction wasn't so perky... I kept wondering why this guy kept messing w/ me... but ofcourse my conscious kicked in.  In response, I nodded and said , "mmhmm..." and smiled and went back to reading... Now I started on my new verse of the week, Proverbs 11:30.  As I was reading, internally my conscious was telling me, "Ashleigh, you know better.  How do you know if he is really a christian??  This could be an open door for you to lead someone to salvation.  Get over yourself." Then that's when I read Proverbs 11:30 and it says, "The fruit of the righteous is the tree of life; and he that winneth souls are wise."  I couldn't help but giggle and nod and mentally say, "Okaaay... you are right." (no I am NOT crazy

So I spark the conversation with him, and asked how he was a Christian.  What are his beliefs.  After experiencing the brief dialogue, I learned that he isn't saved.  He believes that if you were to die today that you will go in a "resting place" in the old testament BEFORE Christ died on the Cross for our sins... might I add.  I went over the Romans Road with him but I became sooo internally frustrated because I didn't know where to find the verse that proves my fact!  Cuz yes it is most definitely a fact.  Unfortunately, He didn't get saved and I ran out of tracks.  I was just soo frustrated because that wasn't the first time I encountered someone having that belief.  I then learned, I need to get on my "A" game... it only pushed me harder to memorize scripture... and ever since my break... I haven't stopped thinking of the man that denied getting saved and Im not gonna lie... I have been beating myself up about it... If only I knew that scripture... And I am STILL waiting for someone to answer my question.  Im going to ask Pastor Kenny WEDNESDAY! lol...

My frustration can be taken as a good thing because that displays that I am more willing and my efforts are stronger to witness to others BUT I just feel as a Christian, I let someone down...myself.  Lesson learned I guess... that's just one more thing I have to study so I can be prepared for the next person.  For the reader that is reading this, work harder to know the WORD... because just when you think you are getting the hang on being more consistent, God can show you that, Hey, you have way more to brush up on.  Today I was/am humbled and more determined.  My daily prayer is that I want to make God proud to call me his Child and servant...That is exactly what I'M STRIVING TO DO....


I want to be wise...don't you?  Prov. 11:30.

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